Part 137: Soldier's Graveyard 2
Welcome back!

Picture this a bunch, and you have the lower floors.

Wolfmen join us on the third basement, Spacetime Armors on the fourth, and Iron Giants on the fifth.
There's nothing to comment about them that hasn't already been said above. Iron Giants have a bunch of HP, I guess?

This one looks exciting, until you read the full name or description.

Yep, here's our "puzzle" to get to the final area: find a key.

Down on the fifth basement for a bit, we find this. If the enemies here weren't practically immune to elements, Milda would be snatching this up in a heartbeat.
It also casts Cold when used as an item. Y'know, the spell that debuffs Wit.
Even if you don't make it all the way to the end, it's worth coming here just for this sword.

We also find this gem. Immunity to move and magic block, as well as being able to cure Move Block when used as an item. All in all, a helpful find.

Feena uses the Magic Lamp here to gain back some MP, and it winds up finally breaking.
Honestly, I never expected it to last this long. It's pulled me out of some tough patches, but the MP costs have steadily been escalating out of its range.
Godspeed, Magi Clamp. You've earned your rest.
Plus, it breaking here frees up an inventory slot, which I am runing dreadfully short on.

Especially with things like this lying around.

Anyway, back up on basement 4, we find the key to the final area.

Which leads directly to a large arena, with the camera locking as it does when a boss is near.

Running along the sides, though, reveals secret passages that lead to rooms with secret passages that lead to chests with these. Two of 'em, in fact.
Once we collect them, we're ready to face the boss. Now, what sort of monster is worthy of guarding the tomb in the middle of the Rockin' Mariachi Cactus Desert?

Oh, hey Chang. It's been a while. (Polsy link)
For the most part, King-Fu Master here is just a souped-up Chang. He's harder, better, faster, stronger, of course, but there are only a few other noteworthy bits, so there's not going to be a big write-up.

He passively recovers 20% of his HP every so often.

And he can use "Vanish", a skill which removes all buffs and debuffs from everyone in the battle.
Not terribly often, mind you, so it's still worth it to cast Diggin' and Cold, but often enough to keep you from going too crazy and steamrolling him.

Much like before, it ends with Justin's spunky sidekick finishing him off with Burn! while he charges up a move that would surely finish off Justin.
Kung-Fu. Kung-Fu never changes.

Oh yeah, the bosses are usually an exception to the "shit-all for rewards" thing. The Satisfaction Gem here gives the wielder an extra Critical attack.
And no, that's not a display glitch or anything. Justin and Rapp both gained two weapon levels from this fight alone.
... Y'know, given the amount of XP given out here, I'm starting to wonder if the game expected me to wait until later before challenging this place.

But that's not it for this dungeon; there's still some more loot to grab.

That chest is a trap; if you just rush for it, you'll fall back to the fifth basement, and have to walk back. Instead, we walk around the pit.

Yeah, the game's not done trying to trick us yet. There's more secret passages in this room, where we find more Soldier's Souls.

And this beauty.

Upon collecting the fourth soul, the platform lowers, allowing us to get to that chest, finally.


Yes, this halves the cost of all skills. Justin's Dragon Cut, which normally costs 45, goes down to just 22.
Oh yes, it rounds down.
Clearly this is too good to actually use, so I'll probably just toss it in the Stashing Place with some comment about "ruining the challenge" while I conveniently ignore the fact that fighting every monster in every area puts you way above the intended levels.

Either that or I'll swap Milda's Black Belt out for it. Dunno.
See you next time, where we (briefly) get back on track!